Kiosk Georg at media
Review of the Georg Festival 2022
On Saturday, August 27th 2022, we celebrated our inclusive and barrier-free kiosk Georg with a public party. There was fine food and a great cultural program. We were happy about many guests and had a good time!
The program included: author readings by Christoph Keller, acrobatics by the Teenspatzä and music by Frida's Küche and Mavro Meli & Friends.
Ostschweizer Fernsehen TVO documented our party with a video report.
Visit us!

Monday–Friday: 9 am – 6 pm
Weekend: 9 am – 6 pm
Who is GEORG?
The activity report 2023 offers a good insight behind the scenes of Kiosk GEORG...!
GEORG has talent. GEORG awakens talent. GEORG is the mental training that prepares us for a life together. GEORG laughs. GEORG smiles. And GEORG pulls no punches. Where GEORG is, everyone, with or without disabilities, can meet. GEORG meets everyone’s needs. Because GEORG is a kiosk.
Many people live with disabilities that, on a day to day basis, push them to the edge of society. They have many abilities, some just as good as other people’s, some even better. And some specific abilities are missing, and this means that, despite their talents, they have no chance on the primary labour market. Or they are considered to be too “quirky”, so that they live amongst us without being fully included. GEORG knows about this. He is familiar with the feeling of existing physically but being ignored. GEORG is all those who want to be a part of society. And GEORG is also those given the chance to find out if they want to be a part of society.
Is it annoying if people with disabilities suddenly become visible? Who is annoyed? Who decides who should live among their “own kind” instead of having a face and a voice as a part of a community? GEORG does not decide. GEORG is here – that’s all. GEORG is diversity. And GEORG is not perfect. He keeps on learning all the time. But there is one thing GEORG is really good at: he is tolerant. He accepts people’s uniqueness. GEORG knows we are the others. The others are also us, because people cannot be standardised.
GEORG is a role model for all of us. That is why he welcomes visitors from everywhere. GEORG takes community literally – with deeds, not just with promises. Georg encourages community feeling in the neighbourhood, and at the junction between the city centre and the “Drei Weieren”. Only together can we fulfil our goals. You are also GEORG. Welcome to the upper terminus.
GEORG's friends
The inclusive Kiosk near the top station of the Mühlegg cable car ist run by Workaut together with special education institutions in the proximity and by volonteers from the neighbourhood..
Workaut is an organisation which has supported people with autism by consultation or by direct employment for ofer 10 years and its place of business is in St. Georgen (St. Gallen, Switzerland). The team of the company is highly experienced and innovative at the same time in order to give support to autistic people. Workaut’s goal is to meet the specific needs of their clients by improving their autonomy and their quality of living. Furthermore, Workaut offers working spaces for employees and trainees and cooperates closely with the Autismusverlag. The company currently assists about 20 people with autism at school, at work, or at their own homes. Also, Workaut is a consultant for family members, caregivers, therapists, and other persons who are interested in the topic.
Our cooperative partners are the CP-Schule St. Gallen, HPS St. Gallen and the Roth-Haus Teufen. As you can see, there are many people involved for GEORG’s benefit at both sides of the counter and lots of stories are waiting to be told. GEORG will keep on surprising you all the time. GEORG is undergoing a permanent maturing process. It’s essential for him that people stay in touch.
There are lots of volunteers from St. Georgen…
…whose support has been crucial to make the adventure called GEORG come true.
We are looking for even more volunteers who are committed to work at the Kiosk GEORG by the hour.
Are you interested in this interesting and valuable job? Please contact us at info@kioskgeorg.ch.